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Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Introduce ATMEL

ATMEL is one of vendor which is peripatetic is microelectronics developing AVR (Alf and Vegard's Risc processor) around year of 1997. AVR has data bandwidth 8 beet, so that hardly differing from MCS51. The difference can be seen from the performance frequency. MCS51 has work frequency 1/12 times oscillator frequency, while frequency is working AVR equal to oscillator frequency. So with the same oscillator frequency, speed of AVR twelve times quicker is compared to MCS51.

AVR divided to 4 classes. ATTINY, ATMEGAXX, AT90SXX, AT86RFXX. Difference at each type AVR lays in accessories that is on the market, while from the angle of architecture and instruction set applied by approximately equal.

At AVR has technology RISC (Reduced Instruction Ste Computing), and at series MSC51 applies technology CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing). Basis differentiating in each class from AVR is based on memory, peripheral and the function.
Microcontroller is applied that we can make a control peripheral working is automatic and in doing scheme is expected minimization able to expense of in making of an automatic control peripheral.

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