This is a design circuit for an application circuit and provides all the firmware required to interface the MAXQ2000 microcontroller evaluation, an 8-port, 36V constant-current LED driver. This is the figure of the circuit;
The MAX6970 is an 8-port, 36V constant-current LED driver that uses a 4-wire serial interface. Using this application note, the MAX6970 can be used with the MAXQ2000 16-bit RISC microcontroller to create a variety of simple LED sequences with the touch of a button. This circuit is will be used to select the LED sequence. Push down on the button for approximately 500ms and the first sequence of LEDs will turn on. Each bit of the 8-bit data sent to the slave corresponds to a LED on the circuit. When the push button count is 1, the sequence 0x55 will turn on for 250ms, alternate to 0xAA, and light up for 250ms. This sequence will repeat itself until the next time that SW5 is pressed. If SW5 is pressed during push count 5, then the next sequence will return to push count 1.
[Circuit source: MAXIM Microcontroller Application Notes]